Yankee on High

Imagine reimaging and Columbus cultural icon that has already been re-imagined multiple times…

Client Vision

To bring new life to the three buildings that previously housed the historic Yankee Trader novelty store.

Challenges that were Overcome

The mix of uses in the building required intense building code scrutiny to develop strategies that solved fire rating, accessibility, and emergency egress requirements, while still complying with all historic preservation guidelines required due to the historic district and historic tax credit process.


Columbus, OH

General Scope

TRIAD acted as the architect and developer for this historic restoration and adaptive reuse project. This project received both Federal and State Historic Tax Credits.


Architecture: Feasibility Studies, Architectural Services, Engineering Services, Interior Design, Budgeting/Scheduling, Regulatory Approvals, Construction Administration.     

Construction:  Maintenance/Capital Improvement Services, Facility Management.

Development:  Program Management, Owner’s Representation, Site Selection/Evaluation, Entitlement Processes, Construction Loan Monitoring, Private Placement Assistance, Grant/Incentive Analysis, Financial Modeling.


Historic/Adaptive Re-Use

Client/Partner Since 2011

Best designers in Ohio!
— Clyde Henry, Yankee Brothers/Denmark on High

We are caretakers of historic buildings and their culture. We are real estate developers, facilities managers, architects, and designers. We are TRIAD.