Columbus City Schools

Imagine a student who dreams of being a chef. They perfect their craft in a restaurant open to the public operated out of their high school…

Client Vision

The client desired to incorporate the career/tech programming of the Downtown High School into the downtown economy to provide real-world experience for the students.

Challenges that were Overcome

We developed and designed a kitchen and serving space that could double as both kitchen and cafeteria for the school and as a lab and real restaurant open to the public for the culinary program.


Columbus, OH

General Scope

For many years, we have assisted the district with their ongoing capital improvement/maintenance projects. We also were the Architect of Record for the Downtown High School located in downtown Columbus.


Architecture: Stakeholder Engagement, Feasibility Studies, Architectural Services, Engineering Services, Interior Design, Budgeting/Scheduling, Regulatory Approvals, Construction Administration.               



Client/Partner Since 1998

The biggest benefit of this transition is the location. Being downtown, we have the ability to partner with organizations and colleges for internships, speaking engagements and mentorships.
— David Mangas, Columbus Downtown High School Director

We are students with dreams and aspirations. We are architects and designers. We are TRIAD.