Dublin City Schools

Imagine a school with flexible learning spaces that blur the lines of where the classroom begins and ends…

project in collaboration with OHM ADVISORS

Client Vision

When the district decided to move forward with two new elementary schools, they wanted to utilize an existing school as a basis for the design but wanted to modify it for the changes in education that happened since the original design. The project also had a tight schedule that needed to be met.

Challenges that were Overcome

We teamed with the architecture firm that designed the original elementary school to pursue the project. We argued that this would be the best of both worlds, bringing all the knowledge of the original design but providing a new, critical perspective. We would also be able to divide up the work to meet the schedule.  The district agreed with this approach we collaboratively executed the work with our partner firm.


Dublin, OH

General Scope

We were responsible for layout critique and the exterior building envelope design for two new elementary schools and one new middle school.


Architecture: Architectural Services, Regulatory Approvals, Construction Administration.   



Client/Partner Since 2018

We are school districts looking to the future of educational paradigms. We are architects and designers. We are TRIAD.