17 North Sandusky

Imagine reinvesting profits from a local architecture project back into a community’s historic core…

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Client Vision

The client desired to restore this project to be historically accurate and bring it new life and new users.

Challenges that were Overcome

The financials for the project did not make sense without some type of incentive.  We assessed the financial viability of the project and developed a plan to utilize historic tax credits to make the project financially viable.


Delaware, OH

General Scope

TRIAD acted as the architect and developer for this historic restoration and adaptive reuse project. We are pursuing federal tax credits for this project.

Services provided

Architecture: Facility/Master Planning, Feasibility Studies, Architectural Services, Engineering Services, Budgeting/Scheduling, Regulatory Approvals, Construction Administration.       

Construction: Maintenance/Capital Improvement Services, Facility Management Services.

Development: Program Management, Owner’s Representation, Site Selection/Evaluation, Entitlement Processes, Construction Loan Monitoring, Private Placement Assistance, Grant/Incentive Analysis, Financial Modeling.


Historic/Adaptive Re-Use

Client/Partner Since 2018

The City of Delaware is fortunate that Zach Price and his team have purchased and are renovating our 17 N. Sandusky St. building. The experience his team brings to renovating historic buildings gives us great confidence that this structure where abolitionist and orator Frederick Douglass spoke in Delaware June 6, 1856 will be brought back to a state where it will continue to serve the Delaware Community for the next 100 years.

Zach and his team have not only been part of the renovation of multiple structures in the City of Delaware, but they have also become tremendous contributors to our community. Zach, himself, has served as chairman of Main Street Delaware and the Delaware Area Chamber of Commerce. If there is a meeting to discuss the revitalization of an area of the City, Zach is there. We feel that his knowledge, talent and attitude have greatly impacted the success of the City of Delaware.
— Sean Hughes, Economic Development Director

We are invested partners in the communities we serve. We are real estate developers, facilities managers, architects and designers. We are TRIAD.