17 North Sandusky
Imagine reinvesting profits from a local architecture project back into a community’s historic core…
Client Vision
The client desired to restore this project to be historically accurate and bring it new life and new users.
Challenges that were Overcome
The financials for the project did not make sense without some type of incentive. We assessed the financial viability of the project and developed a plan to utilize historic tax credits to make the project financially viable.
Delaware, OH
General Scope
TRIAD acted as the architect and developer for this historic restoration and adaptive reuse project. We are pursuing federal tax credits for this project.
Services provided
Architecture: Facility/Master Planning, Feasibility Studies, Architectural Services, Engineering Services, Budgeting/Scheduling, Regulatory Approvals, Construction Administration.
Construction: Maintenance/Capital Improvement Services, Facility Management Services.
Development: Program Management, Owner’s Representation, Site Selection/Evaluation, Entitlement Processes, Construction Loan Monitoring, Private Placement Assistance, Grant/Incentive Analysis, Financial Modeling.
Historic/Adaptive Re-Use
Client/Partner Since 2018
We are invested partners in the communities we serve. We are real estate developers, facilities managers, architects and designers. We are TRIAD.