Imagine converting an auto parts store into a community. A place where artists come together to work, collaborate, exhibit, and sell their work…
Client Vision
To create a unique mixed-use space to accommodate a curated group of full-time artists and create a collaborative culture.
Challenges that were Overcome
The building had multiple use types each with separate and sometimes conflicting building code requirements. We reviewed the plans with the building official and developed a solution that met the code constraints and provided the desired spaces for the client’s vision.
Columbus, OH (Discovery District)
General Scope
We helped this client convert a former NAPA auto parts store into a multi-use building with a gallery, artist studios, co-working space, and a residential unit.
Architecture: Architectural Services, Engineering Services, Interior Design, Regulatory Approvals.
Community Asset & Adaptive Re-Use
Client/Partner Since 2016
We are the creative community. We are architects and designers. We are TRIAD.