DATE: APRIL 29, 2020
Last quarter, our team stepped out of the office and into the community to volunteer with Habitat for Humanity. Habitat for Humanity is a “nonprofit housing organization working in local communities across all 50 states in the U.S.” who work together to build homes for those in need. We spent the day with hard hats on our heads and hammers in our hands working on various projects. We laid the structure for plumbing, helped build the outdoor shed, and other tasks assigned to us by our project leaders. For some of our team, it was the first time volunteering with Habitat but a few members have dedicated their time helping in the past.
Near the end of our workday, a family who would soon move into the house when it’s complete, stopped by to check out the progress. Families are required to work a number of hours on their house during the construction process. It was especially moving to see the excitement on the little boy’s face, who would soon move into the home that we helped build. When houses are complete, Habitat holds a dedication ceremony for the families moving in. Our team had a wonderful experience with Habitat and will be back again to help out!
Learn more about Habitat for Humanity and how you can get involved here.